Brendan is responsible for Mysoft’s daily operations which develop, implement and support our enterprise software solutions.

He brings to his role more than twenty five years of experience in the software industry, including many years working alongside fellow Mysoft director Chris Schafer in senior management positions within several ERP vendors. Brendan’s broad technical background in software development facilitates a clear understanding of the technical challenges faced by Mysoft and the ability to lead by example.

Brendan obtained an MSc in Computer Science and then joined a small London-based ERP systems house in 1988. Over the next sixteen years Brendan helped the business grow from 10 to 450 people. Brendan formed Mysoft with Chris Schafer in 2005.

Something you may not know about Brendan… he won the first Mysoft bake-off despite having never baked a cake, by taking instruction from a YouTube video. To wind-down after work Brendan enjoys walking the dogs, running, cycling or indoor sky-diving. Finally, he was once in a band with another Mysoft employee, but you’ll have to read the other ‘meet the teams’ to find out who!